Category General

For Cakes Sake

Why do I want to start a catering business? I started life in food. My first job was in a cafe and I loved it. The money was rubbish though, so I got a job in a deli where I…

Mmmm Marshmallows

Whats a marshmallow? Marshmallows, as we know them, have been around for thousands of years. Originally, they were made with root sap from the marsh mallow plant, hence the name. The root was boiled with sugar, and once thickened, it…

I’m qualified… (and other news!)

Yay! After hours (literally) of hard work I am now qualified to bake, decorate and sell cakes of all kinds. It sounds very exciting but, if I’m honest, the course seemed a little on the simple side. I’m a little…

Black Forest (Yule) Log

I had so many intentions to make all kinds of wonderful cakes and bakes over Christmas. The problem being, that apart from me and my fiance, there is no one here to eat them. This is a frequent problem for…

Hi, I’m Caroline

Setting fire to the cooker and eating raw chicken was a grim day for teenage-me. Of course, looking back it was just the wake up call I needed. I couldn’t afford to eat out, but I loved good food. I…